Miss Angela Marcotte The Baby Movement Doctor is a licensed physical therapist in the State of Illinois. Illinois is a “direct access” state, meaning patients who seek care do NOT need a referral prior to starting services.
That’s a wonderful thing.
That means early therapy is possible, as it SHOULD be! Torticollis and Plagiocephaly become identified beyond a reasonable doubt at SIX weeks. There is every reason not to WAIT if you have questions regarding your babe’s physical development.
Another common misconception about pediatric therapy is unfortunately the negative association with seeking a therapy service. Many times families often ask me,
“Is there something wrong with my baby?” NO
Nothing is wrong with the baby. Torticollis and Plagiocephaly and Milestone Delays sometimes happen, that’s the truth. So seek medical care, because medical services like pediatric physical therapy are covered by health insurance.
The Baby Movement Doctor is proud to be an in-network provider with most insurance plans in the state of Illinois:
- Blue Cross Blue Shield
- Humana Military (Tricare)
- United Health Care
- Cigna
- County Care
- LibertyHealth Share
- Early Intervention Credentialed Evaluator
This includes face-to-face and virtual therapy. For those outside of Illinois, virtual consults that are educational, informational, and not medical service, are available.
Speak to you soon regarding your babe’s physical development,
Miss Angela
The Baby Movement Doctor